“Lucky” SEVEN

When I think about God’s original plan for mankind, I am amazed at how, with all our responsibilities, exercise, water-drinking, no fat, veganism, and healthy diets, the one ultra important thing that most of us neglect in our lives – is REST!


Here’s the thing!  When God created us (and, yes, I DO believe in creation), He had a plan.  After six days of creating this void, formless Earth, stocking it with water, sun and moon light, water creatures, fowl, animals of every kind, and forming man and woman from the dust of the earth PLUS breathing life into them, He accomplished a whole lot!  Had it been any of us humans, we would have been tired!  So He took the seventh day to just rest.


“What had happened was” He created mankind to follow suit!  It was NOT in His plan for us to work 7 days a week!  Seriously!  It’s in our DNA to take one day out of the week to just REST.


Moreover, he designated a specific day for us to rest, and it was the same day He chose to rest (after His 6-day week of working) – the last day of the week.  It was the seventh day, and He calls it “Sabbath.”


Among my many interests is music, which brings to mind a song written by a dear friend (Gale Jones Murphy) entitled Sabbath Rest. © 2007:

We set our work aside, We leave our cares behind,

On this day of Sabbath rest,

On this Your holy day, we come to give You praise,

On this day of Sabbath rest.

Sabbath rest, Holy rest,

On the day He set aside, hallowed, blessed and sanctified;

Sabbath rest, Holy rest,

Out of all the week the best, We have come to be blessed,
On this day of Sabbath rest.


The lyrics say it all.  Just as Jesus commanded, He expects us to rest on the seventh day of the week, and take time to worship Him.


There are those who would take issue with me on this.  But I’ve finally discovered a means by which to express how I feel on the subject, and all that my readers can do is read – or not.  If you have an issue, I recommend also reading the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:3-17. Genesis 2:2-3 reads: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” And for those who question the validity of Old Testament Scripture, try reading Hebrews 4:1-10.