Making the Page (desktop publishing)

I have a friend – she knows who she is – who actually studied (formally) graphic art, layout and design.  Back in the day before computers, she taught me how to design programs and such - freehand.  I was seriously eager to learn everything she would teach me!  And I am truly grateful for the direction in which she has pointed me.


As the computer age has progressed, I’ve learned a few tricks of my own to apply to what is sometimes called “Desktop Publishing.”


I’m still quite the rookie!  Probably with some formal training I could do a WHOLE LOT better, and tons more.  But, I haven’t the funds nor the time to go to school (my husband thinks otherwise).  So I just keep trying to learn all I can through “self-teaching.”  (Is that a word?)


Anyway, some say it’s a natural – that “creative” thing.  All I know is, I am always anxious to CREATE something – somewhere, in some way or another!


So – here I am, often being asked to design programs and brochures of all kinds.


What’s that all about?  I don’t know!  I just know I enjoy it!  I just wish I could master that Photoshop program.  Man!  The possibilities there are endless!  And they tell me there are many more programs out there that could really take me over the top!  Wow!


But I digress…


About funeral programs – Do you ever wonder the psychology of laying a loved-one’s life out in all those pictures and information?  What effect does it have on the family?  I hope it’s comforting.  I do my best.  And I try to create one-of-a-kind layouts (just as I do with my clothing designs).


Then there are concert programs and wedding programs… Hmmm.  Have you seen the one I did for OUR wedding?  I kinda like it.  It was different, in that we paid tribute to our loved ones who have gone on, and to our children.  Indeed, it was rather special…


But those are the kinds of things I can’t really show samples of here.


So why am I even writing about it?  I don’t know!  It seemed like a good idea at the time I decided to do something with this “blog” thing.


I invite every SIMPLE explanation and advice that anyone can offer, to help me ease into this new adventure for me: Blogging.